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Why Use A Buyers' Agent | A Simple Explanation | Propertyology

Your Perth Buyers Agent

Propertyology understands the science of property

 As a Perth Buyers Agent “Your Time”, “Your Money”, and “Your Best Interests” are as precious to us as they are to you.

Buying a property is probably the single most expensive transaction that you could make. Don’t you think it’s worth increasing your odds of doing it as well as you can? Perth buyers agent PROPERTYOLOGY does not sell property – we work exclusively for Perth buyers (property investors).


Countless hours on the internet, researching, attending open-homes, being tempted by seller’s agents to buy something that just doesn’t stack up, haggling with the agent on price, confusing contract documents, organising conveyancing, building and pest inspections, sorting out a good property manager, the list goes on…Do you seriously have the knowledge, time, and patience to do all of this? As a Perth buyers agent this is PROPERTYOLOGY’S core business.



There’s a lot of information out there these days. Even if you have the time to research, how do you know what you really should research? Are you prepared to gamble with your hard-earned money and run with your own gut-feel or do you see value in tapping in to the most comprehensive research of property markets in Australia to maximise your investment returns?

In years gone by, especially pre-GFC, property markets were very forgiving of such amateurish approaches. Expect a completely different outcome from this new era where economies are experiencing structural changes! There’s a lot more to investment property decisions than tossing up pros and cons of northside versus southside, inner city versus the burbs, houses versus apartments, capital cities versus regions, or a train station versus a university.


The real estate agent whom is engaged to market the property works for the owner. It’s their role to make the property sound as attractive as possible to prospective buyers and to then close a sale on the owner’s behalf at the highest possible price.

So, who is the buyers agent? Who will sort out the charf from the clay? And, when the agent is trying to sell the property for the highest possible price, who is going to help you get it for the lowest possible price? As a buyers agent PROPERTYOLOGY buys property for a living – we’re out there working for YOU!

  • We were extremely happy with the outcomes Simon negotiated

    Having bought and sold a few family homes over the years we thought we were relatively astute investors... We could see the significant research which Simon puts in to selecting properties in a mixed bag of locations to ensure a balanced and varied portfolio... We were extremely happy with the outcomes Simon negotiated on the properties we did buy. All of our properties are performing very well."

    Bryan & Melinda P, Brisbane

  • There is just no substitute for his research and analysis

    "Working with Simon from abroad (France) made investing simple, easy and most importantly stress free. Buying property can be a daunting experience at the best of times and it is only after working with Simon that I realised how little homework I did to ensure I had a sound investment even when I was based in Australia… There is just no substitute for the research and analysis he brings to the table."

    James Matthews, France

  • There is no substitute for the service that Propertyology provides

    "There is no substitute for the service that Propertyology provides because we would never have the time or expertise to confidently buy a property in a location with the highest potential for growth if it wasn't in our own locality. This severely limits your growth potential if you live in Sydney. Their depth of research has given us the confidence to buy properties without feeling the need to see them beforehand. Providing more than just facts and figures, the interviews with community stakeholders make the prospect of investing in those locations exciting as we hear the enthusiasm and optimism coming from the local residents."

    Lily & Alvin, Sydney

  • Very impressed with PROPERTYOLOGY’s market knowledge

    “We have been very impressed with PROPERTYOLOGY’s market knowledge as they have identified areas with terrific growth drivers before anybody else even notices them, and certainly before the markets in those areas heat up. They really focus on uncovering opportunities that others don’t yet see”.

    Glen & Sue, Cranebrook, NSW

  • It has been an absolute delight in working with Propertyology!

    By nature I like to be in control, so determining that the right path was for us to buy a decision-maker to enable this process was quite difficult... The coordination of all the activities involved and the network of services and people that you put us in touch with (ie, the conveyancer, property agent etc) was seamless from the beginning to the end.This is the part of your service that I value the most... I have no hesitation in recommending your service."

    Teri & Matt, Sydney

  • PROPERTYOLOGY are professional & ahead of the game

    "The PROPERTYOLOGY backroom staff is always on top of looming settlement deadlines, and provide timely prompts to action. This is ideal as life & work often have a habit of getting in the way, so we never need to worry about forgetting a deadline... We have and will continue to use PROPERTYOLOGY because they are professional in their dealings and ahead of the game".

    Glen and Sue, Cranebook, NSW

  • They've definitely saved me money

    Propertyology are professional in their dealings and they help source local professionals to carry out pest and building, property management etc... Simon doesn't follow the herd, so they [Propertyology] are not going to put you in to somewhere risky like Sydney at the end of its boom. They have got me in to good areas that I wouldn't have thought of, and they have definitely saved me money with their research and price negotiation skills.

    Glen Hunt (Sydney‐based accountant).

  • For me it's a no brainer.

    The properties pay for themselves and their value is steadily increasing. It's not a hard decision; that's why I'm going to buy more. I have properties in multiple states. They range from close to the city, in the suburbs, and in large multi‐industry regions. Investing in property is not nearly as scary as investing in shares, or scarier still, doing nothing. A house is always going to have value. You are never going to wake up one morning and have your house be worthless over night.

    Glen Hunt (Sydney‐based accountant).

Buying a property is not a five minute exercise.

The most important part of the process is undoubtedly the in depth research that a Perth buyers agent does to identify which location in Australia to invest in and then subsequent research to identify the most suitable property.

Our end-to-end buyers agent service involves the following:

Research to identify location

Research to identify suitable property

Appraisal of what the property is worth

Negotiation of the purchase

Helping you to appoint a suitable property manager

Issuing instructions to your quantity surveyor for preparation of depreciation schedule

Regular updates on how the market which we’ve helped you invest in is performing

We also manage the transaction through to settlement of the property, including:

Issue instructions to your solicitor / conveyance

Provide your mortgage broker with copy of contract for valuation purposes

Issue instructions to building inspector

Issue instructions to pest inspector

Actively involved in guiding you re the content in building and pest reports

Liaising direct with your solicitor and mortgage broker on your behalf