Simon Pressley is one of Australia’s most respected property analysts with an unmatched track record of identifying top performing markets. Subscribe today to get his insights direct to your inbox.
Managing Director of Propertyology, a property market research and buyer’s agency firm, Simon Pressley, says that there’s a significant risk from people confusing ‘reading’ with ‘research’.
Hobart’s growth cycle today is comparable to where Sydney was in 2014. All of the metrics which Propertyology analyse suggest that, all things being equal, the 15 per cent price growth from the last 12 months will be surpassed next year and that there’s currently no end in sight.
Let’s face it, the Millennials have the coolest name of ALL the generations. But, if you’re to believe the popular consensus, they and their slightly older cousins Gen Y are really up against it in the battle to buy that most basic of human requirements – a home.