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Third Property. Third Location.

Third Property. Third Location.
April 27, 2016 Bryan Loughnan


Queensland Coastal residents, Rob and Megan first contacted PROPERTYOLGY just over 6 months ago.

Like most Australians, while they knew in their own minds that they wanted to exit the workforce at some point in the future, they had absolutely no idea how they would make this happen.  Like twenty four out of every twenty five, 65 year old Australia’s – they were headed for reliance on the government funded pension (which for those who aren’t aware, is currently just over $32,000 per year, per couple!).

Late last year, with the assistance of our Property Investment Advisors, Rob and Megan formalised a structured Property Investment Plan, which included reviewing and restructuring existing debts on their principle place of residence as well as strategic financial modelling to help maximise their capital and cash-flow capacity.

The majority of property investors purchase within their local community, simply because they believe they ‘know the market’.  At PROPERTYOLOGY we study property markets nationally and with this extensive information we have been able to assist Rob and Megan acquire their first three investment properties in less than six months.  Rather than purchasing one investment property in one location for just over $1,000,000, these three properties have been purchased across three locations in three different states, each of which have strong population and employment growth prospects and are driven by a wide variety of economic industries.

None of which are located in Brisbane.

Rob and Megan have been able to diversify their properties to assist in risk mitigation, just as an astute share investor would.

Furthermore, they have significantly increased their rental return.  By purchasing three investment properties totalling $1,000,000 rather than one individual property for the same $1,000,000, their rental return has increased by some 40% from approximately $800 per week to over $1,100 per week.

With their formal investment strategy allowing for the purchase of an additional eight investment properties over the next seven years, these clients have taken control of their future and can be confident that they will be in a position to retire comfortably without being reliant on the government pension.

A huge congratulations from everyone at PROPERTYOLOGY Rob and Megan!

