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So, you're interested in a Location Report

Here's what you'll get...

Statistical Profile

Demographics and historical property market performance compared to the national average, helping you to evaluate some important market fundamentals using historical evidence.


Historical population growth rate with comparison to other locations and population forecasts (where available).


General commentary on the existing level of social infrastructure which will help you to establish the location’s ability to retain its population and attract more residents.

Economic Profile

We break down the workforce in to each industry sector and provide you with an appreciation of the geographical strengths which underpin the local economy (critical information for evaluating the longer-term potential of a property market). We provide commentary on the economic background, some major employers, and economic strengths-weaknesses-opportunities.

Housing Supply

The number of established dwellings (current supply) and a break-down on historical annual rates of supply, including commentary on peaks and troughs. We illustrate the ratio of detached houses to apartments and share some insights which will help you to determine the potential for under-supply or over-supply in the forseeable future.

Housing Demand

Prepare to be impressed by the depth of our research and skillful insights which will give you greater appreciation for the big-picture opportunity. Our commentary includes details of new infrastructure projects, some plans and proposals of key community stakeholders that could create jobs which stimulate demand for more housing, lifestyle attractions, and potential growth drivers.

Market Trends

We will share with you our analysis of recent property market activity and metrics which influence this location’s current property cycle.


A series of charts provide a visual illustration that can include things like annual sales volumes (last 15 years), annual changes in median property values (last 15 years), population growth rates (last 10 years), housing supply / building approval volumes (last 10 years), unemployment rates (last 3 years), workforce volume in each industry sector (compared to national average), and more.